Saturday, 29 August 2009

Revolution in the Air

I know I wasn't missed much, but hey, if I've got to holler, I've got to holler eh?

I've heard a lot about protests and revolutions lately. My history project is on the JP Revolution (an idealist fighting against a tyrant basically). And then there was the Flower Power revolution in Across the Universe. A political protest in Blue State, where the protagonist leaves the States and goes to Canada as a political statement of protest against Bush's re-election. I'm now making my way through Snow and hence hear so much about the revolution in Turkey. And then the one in the dystopic movie Equilibrium.

Or perhaps I hear about revolutions all the time but have never thought about them until now. So what is it really that makes people jump into them? I'm talking here of those who are in them for they actually believe in the cause they're fighting for. It's amazing that there are in fact people who are idealistic enough to believe that they can shout loud enough to make a difference. And that they shout. At one level, I'm psyched that there are such romantics. Jealous even, for I may never have the courage to ever act on the many things I believe in.

But on another level, I can't but help play the role of the Devil's Advocate. What good did these protestors ever achieve? Sure, they made some sound waves. Sure they walked out of colleges and homes and comfortable lives. Sure, they may have even made headlines. But did they ever achieve even a modicum of what they set out to? In the larger scheme of things, governments and corporations are far too huge and mighty for dins on the street to effect them let alone make them mend their ways.

But perhaps, even the most radical protestors know that their dreams are much too big to come true. But they'll dream none the less. And perhaps they may not be able to stop wars or change political positions, but they tried. I may never know what a revolutionary feels. But I'd like to believe that they go to bed satisfied that they don't just discuss what's wrong with the system, they go about doing something to change it. So hey, better to have protested and gone unheard than to have never shouted eh?

But then again, are revolutions the answer to changing a foul system? Perhaps not if this is the only means used. Some of us may have to join the system, as the cliche goes, to beat it. And some others may have to make a few compromises and adjust. but then, those few idealistic enough to take things head on, in my opinion, are doing their own bit, in the way they think best. Perhaps, with all these little ripples from different shores, we can some day hope for a tide of change, if not a storm.

Some day I hope I'll have the courage and conviction to make my own voice heard, in whatever way. But until then, I can always hide behind excuses.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

I'm Moving On

I love the Billy Joel by the same name. But that aside, it's the way I feel I want to take my life forward. No regrets...learnt much, loved a lot, grew some, hurt tons. But I've given everything to it and now I need to stop dwelling in the past. And what I've wanted it to be.
Beauty and adventure await. A little bit of faith wouldn't hurt. It isn't wrong to want to face the universe with a little bit of unproven belief. Heck, wrong and right are oh so subjective that I've finally understood that I've been generally stuck about wanting to see things the way I wanted them to be.
It's a pretty messed upo world. Therein lies its beauty...and magic.
No, I'm not high. it's just that in the past few days much has happened to my mind. It's a happier place to befriend now.
A toast to happiness!