Saturday, 25 August 2007

And finally,reason 101.

Faity tale.I've been living in a fairy tale.Sure,I've had a wicked step sister here and an old,miserable witch there but all in all ,it's been a good ride.And although I am grateful for all that I've been blessed with,I cannot help but blame this for my skewed perceptions about life.Reality is something I cannot cope with.

I've had a glimpse or two of some not so nice things lately.I try telling myself that everything's alright but fail miserably at coming up with a convincing explanation.No everything is not alright but then again not everything is bad either.Right...?

It's not like I've never known of the existence of madness and tyranny(mere rhetoric?).I've had copious doses of horrible news reports and have fumed with outrage at things I do not approve of in all my naive sense of righteousness or the lack thereof.But I've never really had to deal with that unsettling reality.Now that I do,I'm handicapped on two fronts.First,my very limited appreciation of all things real and therefore,second,my sense of being lost.Hopelessly lost.

The poet and the painter have lost sanity in trying to cope with the world outside their heads.Will that then be the path for an inveterate dreamer such as I?In some twisted turn of fate,maybe the fairy tale will have a horrible end.But I'm not crying for this,I know I'll find my way sooner or later.What I am mourning though is the death of beauty.Somehow,most things I've cherished have been distorted by a world which can't seem to appreciate beauty anymore.Or is my sense of beauty outdated?Should I change?At the cost of romance and hope...maybe not.